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From the Command Line

Running RobX from the command line will give you control over some common options.

To run from the command line, open a command prompt (Start→Run and type command), go to the RobX directory (type cd "c:\program files\compu-nach\robx") and run RobX by typing robx with the parameters below.


w[width] h[height]


Use this to run in fullscreen mode


Use -h to stop changes automatically being made in your display settings.

You can specify the detail level by typing the detail level character (lowest = l, m, h, v, x, X = high). x and X may not be avaliable on earlier releases. Type * for the best detail level (as of 050313). after -h (eg -hm)
You can follow this by a single number 0-9 of the number of raindrops (deafult=7)
then followed by a zero to multiply the number of raindrops by 10.

w h

The width/height of the screen


Step through each frame by pressing Z.


Turns audio on or off. Use -ay to turn on and -an to turn off.


ROBX -f w1024 h768
ROBX w800 h600 -h
ROBX -hl
ROBX -hv90 -an
ROBX -hv0 -f