When RobX encounteres an error, a RobX Crash Statistics message is normally displayed.
It's useful for us to know about crash statistics: press PRINT SCREEN to automatically create an email which you can send to us.
There are different levels of problem:
A warning message in blue or green is an error which is not critical. You should usually press F1 to continue or F2 to close down and quit. Most of the time, you should continue by pressing F1.
A warning message in red requires that you quit as soon as possible. You will only be able to press F3 to exit.
If you press F3 to exit RobX, you should keep an eye on your PC. If you notice a drop in performance, restart your PC.
About the Screen
To find out what caused the problem, look at the part of the screen inside the two "walls of stars". It will contain the location of the error given in the format module:function. On the next line, it will show the error message (what caused the problem).
Errors which don't display the Crash Statistics Screen
These type of errors are very infrequent. However, if you are affected by this type of error, please contact us so we can fix the problem.
RobX may exit during startup (not displaying the window or displaying it briefly) due to a number of errors. These are mainly due to Allegro not being able to be used on your PC. This is usually a standard exit, but if you notice a drop in performance, try restarting your PC.
For memory allocation errors, RobX will close without warning, printing an error message to stdout (if possible) and setting errorlevel to 255 (0xFF) or 254 (0xFE). If this happens, we advise you restart your PC.
Illegal Operations in windows are normally spotted by the operating system and an error message is displayed. The severity of this error can vary wildly as this may mean that RobX attempted to run data as code, with unknown results. Normally this error has no consequence for your PC, but we strongly advise you restart your PC and run a disk error checking program.