RobX is a platform game.
It's currently in development and testing, so it's not complete yet. But feel free to download the incomplete version.
If you have any suggestions about improvements, email us at compunach@yahoo.co.uk and we'll try to include them.
View an old screenshot showing some of the graphics, including the cool spraypaint weapon, or this new screenshot of some stuff.
We're now using Allegro 4.2. You can get a recent Allegro 4.2 DLL if you experience problems with RobX and the Allegro DLL.
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Tell us what you think!
What are we doing right and can we do better?
If you're having problems, have ideas for improvements, don't like parts of it or want to say what's your favourite bit, then please click below:
Click here to contact us
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Don't like OUR graphics?
Make your own! You'll need the Allegro Grabber, part of Allegro.
You can download Allegro Grabber for Allegro 4.1.11 from us here to edit our graphics. Released under the Allegro licence. Please read the documentation.
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Want to help develop RobX?
As RobX is OpenSource, you can download the source code.
This installer will provide you with all RobX components, but you'll also need the Allegro library and JPG Alleg.
Latest Bug Warnings
As all the releases (except updates) carry the source, and you can download the Allegro Grabber seperately, we won't be putting the SDK release on the site until a major release.
Not Avaliable
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